So this year I was not able to get christmas cards out since I had a visitor!!!! Some of you are dying to hear about whats going on in my life lately so here it goes. The guy in the picture is Emmitt. We actually met when I lived in Korea years and years ago. He was in the army and I was in high school. Well as the army would have it he got transferred to Oklahoma and my father got transferred to Northern VA. We kept in touch for a while but life took us in seperate directions and we eventually lost touch----until last year. A friend of mine convinced me to get a my space account and within a couple months my best friend from elementary school and Emmitt both found me. He currently lives in Texas. We have been talking on the phone for several months and then he came to visit over Thanksgiving and then again over christmas and new years. Tayva has him wrapped around her finger and in some ways I believe she thinks he came out here specifically for her!!!! I don't know how she does it (maybe it's her big brown eyes) but she managed to get him to play her favorite game "pretty pretty princess" and she also talked him into painting his fingernails and toenails. She was disappointed that he wouldn't wear the polish to church the next morning though!!!!! Thank goodness for nail polish remover!! So as of right now the plan is for him to move out here. I have lived in Texas before and i don't do heat or humidity. His father is in the hospital right now so he will be in Texas at least until things get better for his family out there. And I know everyone is asking if there are wedding plans and to that YES we have talked marriage. He is actually going to start the missionary discussions this week and has a desire to be baptised already so if things are meant to be with us we'll probably tie the knot later this year!!!
Turkey Taco Boats
5 years ago
That is so Awesome!! I am so Happy for you! Keep me informed, you deserve the best.
OH MY LAND!! I can't believe I didn't hear of this sooner!! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you!! If I didn't know any better I would have thought that he was Tayva's dad, they look quite a bit alike. I think it's the eyes. I don't know how anyone couldn't fall for you or for Tayva, you are such a wonderful lady and Tayva, well, she's just too cute to boot!! Congrats!! You best keep me updated better than this hun! I'm excited he's taking the missionary discussions. That's awesome! He must be pretty serious if he's wearing nail polish!! haha! I'm totally pumped for you! Keep us updated!!
Congrats. We are so happy for you.!
I say he is pretty serious if he played pretty pretty princess. Any man who wears a tiara and earrings is a keeper! We are so happy for you!! DON'T ELOPE...unless you come to Vegas. I want to be there! Promise?
Audra thats so Awesome! you so deserve a great guy. Too cool.
He sounds like a keeper! Anyone who will play pretty pretty princess and get the nails painted has to be good!
How exciting! Definitely keep us posted (not that I get behind on reading blogs or anything, this has only been posted for what 3 weeks now?)
I think we need a new update!!!
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