Here he is!!!! Elijah was born April 27th at 1:11 pm. I had a prenatal appointment the day before and my blood pressure was super high from the pre-eclampsia so dr sent me to labor and delivery for further testing and I was told to pack my bags and return at midnight. I was super nervous since we weren't expecting to come in until april 30th. Well they started the induction by giving me cytotec. Three hours later I hadn't made any progress so they repeated it. 2 hours later I was dilated to almost a 5 and the nurse suggested I get my epidural. later on the doctor came in and broke my water and everything happened so fast after that. My epidural did not provide pain relief from my belly button down so I felt every contraction and ended up delivery this little guy feeling every bit of it!!! good thing he was only 6 pounds 7 ounces. In fact I had the urge to push for a while and the nurse said she thought it was too soon until she checked me. Then she panicked and told the doctor to hurry over. When he got to the room I said "You better hurry cuz I've got to push" Within a couple pushes he was here!!! He was so adorable and Tayva was in Heaven with him. She couldn't get enough of him!!! Emmitt got to cut the cord and give him his first bath. Later that night the pediatritian came in and checked him over. What we thought was an umbilical hernia the doctor wasn't convinced. He was concerned it was an omphalocele and wanted a second opinion. Since our hospital is so small surgery there would not be an option. The doctor returned after calling primary childrens and our little man ended up being life flighted to primary childrens hospital for immediate surgery. We were torn apart. Tayva could not stop crying as she watched her new little brother get taken away and Emmitt and I could not hold in our emotions either. My doctor came in the next morning and discharged me and we rushed up to salt lake to be with Elijah. The surgery ended up being necessary as not only did he have an omphalocele but he also had a volvulus which is where the intestines are twisted. So the doctors fixed his intestines, removed his appendix to prevent future problems and put the intestines that were pushing outside of his belly button back in and stitched him up. The doctor was also kind enough to circumcize him while he was already under anestesia!!! He was on a breathing machine for three days and last night they removed it and I got to hold him for the first time since the day he was born. Now we just have to reteach him how to feed. They estimate he will be there about 2-4 weeks for recovery. Everyone tells me how lucky Elijah is because if the doctor would have not caught it and i would have nursed him a lot more his little intestines would have been blocked and it could have been a LOT more serious. I am so greatful that the pediatrician was humble enough to want a second opinion. It's been a rough week but we are so pleased with the outcome and knowing our little man will make a quick recovery and we can soon bring him home.
Turkey Taco Boats
5 years ago