So this year our family decided to spend the christmas season in Florida and the Bahamas on a disney cruise. We had a lot of fun. Coming back was an adventure. We flew from colorado to salt lake only to be flown back to colorado due to the airport being closed indefinately!!! We stayed at the denver airport for six hours before we could fly back to salt lake city. The only other mishap was the last couple of days tayva developed this horrible cough. I didn't have my stethescope on me but I could hear wheezes when i listened to her back with my ear so when i got back to cedar i took her to the doctor and she had a really bad ear infection and the dr also said she had RSV. I am not sure about the RSV i bet she had bronchitis or pneumonia. But anywho I had to purchase a nebulizer machine and she is doing treatments every six hours on top of taking a couple different antibiotics and steroids. Well I will tell more about the cruise later. I just wanted to hurry and post some pics. We had a blast. My brother, tayva and i had one stateroom and my parents and uncle had another stateroom on the boat. I'm already planning my next cruise with some friends for the near future!!!
Turkey Taco Boats
5 years ago